How to Choose the Best Type of Fence for Your Backyard

ideal fence

Have you been going fence-free for too long?

Building a fence in your backyard is always a good idea. It provides you with security, privacy, and a sense of ownership over your property. Choosing which type of fence to erect in your backyard is a tough decision and one that you’ll be living with for years to come. No pressure.

In this post, we’re going to help you choose the ideal fence for your house and your property. What you want to get out of your fence should dictate what materials you use, the style of fence you build, and how high you make it. Fortunately, there are some really great options out there, so let’s take a look and find your new fence.

Choosing the Ideal Fence for Your Home

So, what are the questions you need to ask yourself when you’re thinking about a new fence? There are a few obvious ones.

How much privacy do you need? What aesthetic are you going for? Do you value security above all else? Most importantly, how much money do you want to spend on your fence? If you can answer these questions, then you can figure out which type of fence is best for you.


If you live in a residential neighborhood, chances are that you live in close proximity to your neighbors on one or both sides. Building a fence that gives you a sense of privacy in your yard will be important then.

A wood fence can accomplish this quite easily. The best part of installing a wood fence is that you can put the planks as close together as you want and build as high as you want, creating as much privacy as you want.


Security is important anywhere you live, but especially if it’s in a populated urban area. Choosing a fence that has a locking door and a secure, hard to break material, is the way to go.

Wrought iron or ornamental metal fences not only have a high level of security as any other fence style, but their appearance alone can be a deterrent to break-ins. That’s not to say that they aren’t attractive, however, as they’re popular options because of their upscale appearance.

Appearance & Maintenance

It’s important to consider how you want your fence to look alongside the maintenance costs. You may love the look of a wood fence, but the cruel reality is that you’ll probably be maintaining it or replacing the finish every couple of years.

Vinyl is a more expensive material than wood or chain link, but a yearly hose-off should account for most of the maintenance. These fences come in many different styles and colors and are proven to last for up to and beyond 20 years.


Of course, your budget is going to dictate what you can and cannot do with your new fence. If you want to go with something ultra-cheap but still effective, you might consider a chain link fence.

Obviously, the more ornate you get with your fence, the more costly it will become. Ornamental metal fences can cost a lot, depending on the type of metal you use, but they might last up to 50 years in your backyard and look gorgeous.

Wood fences are the most popular in the US because of their low initial cost and pleasant look. They also offer the most privacy and can offer a good amount of security as well. At HoCo Fence, we specialize in pressure treated pine as an affordable and durable option.

What Fits Your Personality?

These are the main factors in choosing your fence, so you need to decide what’s important to you. If you want an all-around secure and low-cost fence, then you’ll probably go with wood. If you want your backyard to be secure against intruders while having an elegant look, you’d go with an ornamental metal fence.

The beauty of a fence is that you can put one up and then change your mind. Visit us at HoCo Fence today and talk to one of our dedicated professionals about installing the ideal fence for your backyard today. While you’re there, check out our blog to read more informative posts about all things fencing.